Sunday, August 2, 2015

Its been a while.

Hey! Its been quite sometime since I have published a post, and I dont even have a good excuse as to why. If we are going to be exact, I haven't posted anything since September of 2014. That my friends is pitiful.  In order for me to catch up (without a 3 year long post) I am going to use the most loved bullet points.

  • My brother, whom in the past I had a deep hatred for, came back from his LDS mission in April 2015.
  • I graduated high school in May. (It might not have happened without the fairly awesome teachers I had helping me)
  • I moved out a week after graduation. (It was needed)
  • In June I turned 18 and completed quite a few items on my bucket list. (It was totally worth all the trouble!)
  • June also brought my parents learning ALL my deepest darkest secrets, which resulted in me pushing away all people I was close to. (I had a terrible problem. No need to further discuss) 
  • July I found my self with no friends (besides my roommate Sara. Shes cool) and no trust for anyone I might have had left.
  • I learned that nothing is forever, not even the things you always thought were going to be.
  • I declared that I would study at SUU starting FALL 2015. (I'm sooo thrilled...) 
  • With the fact that I am going to school, I also learned that no matter how broke you and your family are, you have little to no chance of getting your college tuition payed for completely. (Thanks FAFSA)
  • I have come to terms that no matter how hard I try, I'm probably going to be drowning in student debt for the rest of forever, which sucks!
  • My parents are disappointed that I chose to move out, and are basically forcing me to move back in their house. (Yay for a curfew again...)
And honestly, thats only half of it! In time, I will have to courage to publish the posts I have written in the past few months. 


P.S. I became obsessed with gossip girl, and have found myself becoming like Blair and Serena. Its a little bit freaky!

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