Monday, September 22, 2014

So Much Excitement!

Well, as a new day approaches, new things approach with it right? The answer is yes. A million times yes! Since the last time I blogged, I have been accepted to SUU and am now one of the newest members of the Cedar City Youth City Council! #HOLLA

I am so beyond excited to be a part of the CCYCC and to have been accepted to my second choice school, (my first choice is Dixie State, and I havent finished my application yet). My life has taken some crazy changes lately, and the only word I can think of is "YAAY" which is bad on my part, because thats a lame word.

Along with all that good stuff ^ I have been trusted to do all the Business Ads in the Cedar High Yearbook, The Cedarian, which in its self is a HUGE responsibility! (AHHHH! SO EXCITED!) (A little stressed, but excited!)

And to finish it out, Homecoming.... #NuffSaid
Pardon the bad lighting, which makes my face look... Odd
Hes my best friend, and I think hes pretty great!

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