Friday, July 11, 2014

Do you see that elephant? Nope. I didn't think so

Ok, let's be 100% real here for just one second. I have a condition. It doesn't define me, and it is not who I am... I suffer from clinical depression along with Trichotillomania  Trichotillomania is hair loss from repeated urges to pull or twist the hair until it breaks off. Patients are unable to stop this behavior, even as their hair becomes thinner. Unlike most people, my Trich is of my eyelashes. So when I am stressed, I rip my eyelashes out. This past week I found out that one of the girls on my team suffers from the same thing, which ALWAYS make things easier to deal with. Trich and depression go hand in hand with me, the more depressed I become, the more stressed I become and the less eyelashes I have. I have honestly been putting off on posting this, because my deepest darkest secrets are being exposed. Telling about my messed up life has actually helped me to be a stronger person. Now to depression. Depression isn't exactly like I thought it was. All through my childhood I though when you were temporarily sad you were depressed. And boy was I soo off base. In about February of this last year my mother started to notice that I had begun to change and I was in disconnect. I wasn't the happy, positive, upbeat person I ha always been. So my my mom decided to take me to the doctor. He told me I have clinical depression. Wow. What a terrifying thing for a 16 year old girl to hear. My life seemed over. And I know what you are thinking, way to overreact Aubree. But, what else was I supposed to think? And a few months after I was diagnosed, a very dear friend of mine was also diagnosed. Oh, it was WONDERFUL to have someone close to my age be going through the same thing. I have never felt so relieved in my life! Gradually, with the help of my family, friends and my Prozac, my depression has become easier to deal with. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady. I know just what you're going through because I have had depression and anxiety myself. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Love you!
