Monday, September 22, 2014

So Much Excitement!

Well, as a new day approaches, new things approach with it right? The answer is yes. A million times yes! Since the last time I blogged, I have been accepted to SUU and am now one of the newest members of the Cedar City Youth City Council! #HOLLA

I am so beyond excited to be a part of the CCYCC and to have been accepted to my second choice school, (my first choice is Dixie State, and I havent finished my application yet). My life has taken some crazy changes lately, and the only word I can think of is "YAAY" which is bad on my part, because thats a lame word.

Along with all that good stuff ^ I have been trusted to do all the Business Ads in the Cedar High Yearbook, The Cedarian, which in its self is a HUGE responsibility! (AHHHH! SO EXCITED!) (A little stressed, but excited!)

And to finish it out, Homecoming.... #NuffSaid
Pardon the bad lighting, which makes my face look... Odd
Hes my best friend, and I think hes pretty great!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Burst of Bravery

Ok. Confession time..... Its my senior year, and I have decided to do something a little different, per say.
I am one of the newest members of the CHS Debate Team! Debate has always been something I have wanted to do, but because of Cheer, I haven't had the time. And, the old debate coaches never let athletes be on the team.

Now. I may not be quitting cheer, but I am joining debate. What has changed this year? WE GOT A NEW COACH! Yeah, you heard me. Mrs. Jordan, and Ms. Hensel broke up with the debate team (tears) so this year we have Kaitlin Sorensen. Shes cool, not only because she lets athletes do debate, but because shes just plain awesome!

Second new thing. I am (hopefully) joining The Cedar City Youth Council, which I think would be a wonderful experience! The CCYC is an amazing thing that can teach me so much, and I would consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to join.

And the final new thing. college. Yes, I am aware that I should have capitalized that word, but I didn't.

College. College. College. Yuck. Eww. No.

Ok. I have been getting things for colleges since like, my sophomore year. Which doesn't seem like very long ago. Anyway, I haven't really taken the whole thing seriously, because it seemed so far away! Now its September of my SENIOR YEAR! Now I have to take it seriously. I have filled out applications to Westminster? Dixie State. SUU. And to the University of Northern Colorado. Also, sometime soon I will start my application to Denver University.

College Prep in a Gif.

Im not freaking out.... At all.

Amen. Done...
My Current Emotion RN!