Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life gave me some lemons.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right?
Its the first week of summer, and nothing is how it should be. Summer is a happy time, a care-free time to be a kid. It all started last week, it was the last week of school, and on Thursday was graduation. Lots of my friends are graduation, and I am stuck back in high school. Thursday night was Senior Sun Rise. Senior Sun Rise is a tradition where you spend the night on the football field of my school. You watch the sun go down and you go to sleep as a Junior in high school, and wake up and watch the sun rise, and you are a Senior. Both of my siblings were able to create a way to go, and I wasn't. I begged my mom to go, and she said OK. I was so happy. But that only lasted about 12 minutes. One of my best friends totally betrayed me. I had told her something I had heard about this kid she likes, and she told him. What she told him was an extremely exaggerated version of the truth. I honestly don't think I have ever been so pissed in my life. This kids girlfriend was all up in my junk, then he was. When I questioned her about it, she blamed the whole thing on me! She said it was all my fault because I was the one spreading the nasty rumors, which I wasn't! I have no one I can trust now. My "Best Friend" hates me now, my other "Best Friend" has totally forgotten me, and my big brother is on his mission, and I wont be seeing him for another 10 months. 
Life gave me some lemons, and I curled up in my bed with my lemonade.