Sunday, August 2, 2015

Its been a while.

Hey! Its been quite sometime since I have published a post, and I dont even have a good excuse as to why. If we are going to be exact, I haven't posted anything since September of 2014. That my friends is pitiful.  In order for me to catch up (without a 3 year long post) I am going to use the most loved bullet points.

  • My brother, whom in the past I had a deep hatred for, came back from his LDS mission in April 2015.
  • I graduated high school in May. (It might not have happened without the fairly awesome teachers I had helping me)
  • I moved out a week after graduation. (It was needed)
  • In June I turned 18 and completed quite a few items on my bucket list. (It was totally worth all the trouble!)
  • June also brought my parents learning ALL my deepest darkest secrets, which resulted in me pushing away all people I was close to. (I had a terrible problem. No need to further discuss) 
  • July I found my self with no friends (besides my roommate Sara. Shes cool) and no trust for anyone I might have had left.
  • I learned that nothing is forever, not even the things you always thought were going to be.
  • I declared that I would study at SUU starting FALL 2015. (I'm sooo thrilled...) 
  • With the fact that I am going to school, I also learned that no matter how broke you and your family are, you have little to no chance of getting your college tuition payed for completely. (Thanks FAFSA)
  • I have come to terms that no matter how hard I try, I'm probably going to be drowning in student debt for the rest of forever, which sucks!
  • My parents are disappointed that I chose to move out, and are basically forcing me to move back in their house. (Yay for a curfew again...)
And honestly, thats only half of it! In time, I will have to courage to publish the posts I have written in the past few months. 


P.S. I became obsessed with gossip girl, and have found myself becoming like Blair and Serena. Its a little bit freaky!

Monday, September 22, 2014

So Much Excitement!

Well, as a new day approaches, new things approach with it right? The answer is yes. A million times yes! Since the last time I blogged, I have been accepted to SUU and am now one of the newest members of the Cedar City Youth City Council! #HOLLA

I am so beyond excited to be a part of the CCYCC and to have been accepted to my second choice school, (my first choice is Dixie State, and I havent finished my application yet). My life has taken some crazy changes lately, and the only word I can think of is "YAAY" which is bad on my part, because thats a lame word.

Along with all that good stuff ^ I have been trusted to do all the Business Ads in the Cedar High Yearbook, The Cedarian, which in its self is a HUGE responsibility! (AHHHH! SO EXCITED!) (A little stressed, but excited!)

And to finish it out, Homecoming.... #NuffSaid
Pardon the bad lighting, which makes my face look... Odd
Hes my best friend, and I think hes pretty great!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Burst of Bravery

Ok. Confession time..... Its my senior year, and I have decided to do something a little different, per say.
I am one of the newest members of the CHS Debate Team! Debate has always been something I have wanted to do, but because of Cheer, I haven't had the time. And, the old debate coaches never let athletes be on the team.

Now. I may not be quitting cheer, but I am joining debate. What has changed this year? WE GOT A NEW COACH! Yeah, you heard me. Mrs. Jordan, and Ms. Hensel broke up with the debate team (tears) so this year we have Kaitlin Sorensen. Shes cool, not only because she lets athletes do debate, but because shes just plain awesome!

Second new thing. I am (hopefully) joining The Cedar City Youth Council, which I think would be a wonderful experience! The CCYC is an amazing thing that can teach me so much, and I would consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to join.

And the final new thing. college. Yes, I am aware that I should have capitalized that word, but I didn't.

College. College. College. Yuck. Eww. No.

Ok. I have been getting things for colleges since like, my sophomore year. Which doesn't seem like very long ago. Anyway, I haven't really taken the whole thing seriously, because it seemed so far away! Now its September of my SENIOR YEAR! Now I have to take it seriously. I have filled out applications to Westminster? Dixie State. SUU. And to the University of Northern Colorado. Also, sometime soon I will start my application to Denver University.

College Prep in a Gif.

Im not freaking out.... At all.

Amen. Done...
My Current Emotion RN!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Do you see that elephant? Nope. I didn't think so

Ok, let's be 100% real here for just one second. I have a condition. It doesn't define me, and it is not who I am... I suffer from clinical depression along with Trichotillomania  Trichotillomania is hair loss from repeated urges to pull or twist the hair until it breaks off. Patients are unable to stop this behavior, even as their hair becomes thinner. Unlike most people, my Trich is of my eyelashes. So when I am stressed, I rip my eyelashes out. This past week I found out that one of the girls on my team suffers from the same thing, which ALWAYS make things easier to deal with. Trich and depression go hand in hand with me, the more depressed I become, the more stressed I become and the less eyelashes I have. I have honestly been putting off on posting this, because my deepest darkest secrets are being exposed. Telling about my messed up life has actually helped me to be a stronger person. Now to depression. Depression isn't exactly like I thought it was. All through my childhood I though when you were temporarily sad you were depressed. And boy was I soo off base. In about February of this last year my mother started to notice that I had begun to change and I was in disconnect. I wasn't the happy, positive, upbeat person I ha always been. So my my mom decided to take me to the doctor. He told me I have clinical depression. Wow. What a terrifying thing for a 16 year old girl to hear. My life seemed over. And I know what you are thinking, way to overreact Aubree. But, what else was I supposed to think? And a few months after I was diagnosed, a very dear friend of mine was also diagnosed. Oh, it was WONDERFUL to have someone close to my age be going through the same thing. I have never felt so relieved in my life! Gradually, with the help of my family, friends and my Prozac, my depression has become easier to deal with. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life gave me some lemons.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right?
Its the first week of summer, and nothing is how it should be. Summer is a happy time, a care-free time to be a kid. It all started last week, it was the last week of school, and on Thursday was graduation. Lots of my friends are graduation, and I am stuck back in high school. Thursday night was Senior Sun Rise. Senior Sun Rise is a tradition where you spend the night on the football field of my school. You watch the sun go down and you go to sleep as a Junior in high school, and wake up and watch the sun rise, and you are a Senior. Both of my siblings were able to create a way to go, and I wasn't. I begged my mom to go, and she said OK. I was so happy. But that only lasted about 12 minutes. One of my best friends totally betrayed me. I had told her something I had heard about this kid she likes, and she told him. What she told him was an extremely exaggerated version of the truth. I honestly don't think I have ever been so pissed in my life. This kids girlfriend was all up in my junk, then he was. When I questioned her about it, she blamed the whole thing on me! She said it was all my fault because I was the one spreading the nasty rumors, which I wasn't! I have no one I can trust now. My "Best Friend" hates me now, my other "Best Friend" has totally forgotten me, and my big brother is on his mission, and I wont be seeing him for another 10 months. 
Life gave me some lemons, and I curled up in my bed with my lemonade.